Year 12 Gala Night

Despite it being their most challenging year of high school, the EMS Year 12 girls invested their time and passion into a worthy humanitarian initiative. They partnered with the Australian Relief Organisation to improve the living conditions of 114 HIV+ orphans who reside in an orphanage in Vietnam. The orphans' ages range from newborn to 18 years old with all resident children born as HIV+ patients and they are provided with continuous medication from the government. However, administers of this orphanage have brought to our attention that they need to improve the living conditions of their physiotherapy room.

In response to this, the Year 12 girls started to fundraise for this project in Year 11. They started their fundraising campaign by having after school sales, selling chocolates and organising whole school activities to reach $11,000. The event that significantly helped the Year 12s raise the amount they needed was the Hollywood themed Gala Night. On the 2nd of August 2019, the Year 12s organised an all-female event to create awareness for their project and the needs of the orphanage. The Gala Night included food, a comedy show, a Kahoot game, an auction and lots of dancing! From this night, the Year 12s were able to reach above and beyond their target! Currently, the Year 12s have fundraised close to $15,000! Well done to the class of 2019 for their incredible efforts!

Ms. Eda Baskocak
Pastoral Care Teacher